ESPARGOS: ESP32-based WiFi sensing array

Develop and deploy WiFi sensing applications effortlessly: ESPARGOS combines phase-synchronized ESP32 chips into a 2 × 4 antenna array.

Channel State Information

ESPARGOS provides Channel State Information (CSI) estimated from the L-LTF and HT-LTF pilot symbols in real time. Viewed in frequency domain, CSI contains information about the phase shift and attenuation experienced by the OFDM subcarriers. After a fourier transform, CSI can be interpreted as a channel impulse response. ESPARGOS supports channel bonding, achieving a bandwidth of up to 40 MHz.

Power over Ethernet

Avoid the hassle of running separate data, power and signalling cables: ESPARGOS is controlled over Ethernet, provides a simple web interface for configuration and can be powered from a power over ethernet (PoE) switch / injector. This makes ESPARGOS easy to use and deployments are quick to set up.

Python Library

With pyespargos, there is an easy-to-use library to control one or multiple ESPARGOS devices. Configure ESPARGOS with the built-in web interface, and then easily stream channel state information to your application in real time. The python library comes with a collection of demo applications to get you started.

Demo Applications

MUSIC Spatial Spectrum

Use the MUSIC algorithm for angle of arrival estimation: Visualize spatial spectrum.

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Combined Antenna Array

Combine multiple 2 × 4 ESPARGOS antenna arrays into one large phase-synchronous array.

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Instantaneous Frequency-Domain CSI

Visualize the frequency-domain channel state information captured by all antennas.

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Instantaneous Time-Domain CSI

Visualize the time-domain channel state information captured by all antennas.

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Phases by Antenna

Visualize the received phase at each of the 2 × 4 antennas of the antenna array.

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Received Phases over Time

Monitor the average received phase at all antennas as it changes over time.

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Time of Arrival

Monitor the precise time of arrival of WiFi packets at each antenna array.

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Real-Time Indoor Localization Demo

With ESPARGOS, existing WiFi devices like smartphones, robots and other machines can be localized in indoor environments without requiring any changes to those devices. In line-of-sight environments, ESPARGOS can simply locate devices by triangulation. Channel Charting allows the system to locate devices even if there is no line-of-sight path between ESPARGOS and the end device. This application was publicly demonstrated at the Berlin 6G Conference 2024.