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Update Instructions
Important: Always update ALL firmware components of your ESPARGOS device and update them in this order: First sensor firmware, then controller firmware, then web assets.
Hint: Updates may fail if ESPARGOS is too busy streaming WiFi CSI. Make sure this is not the case.
Web Browser

- Go to the web interface of your ESPARGOS device. See Setup to learn how.
- One after the other, select and flash the firmware files for
- sensor firmware,
- controller firmware and
- controller web assets.
Command Line
# Download latest firmware files from
cd /tmp
# Upload firmware to ESPARGOS:
# * Change ESPARGOS_HOST to the IP address / hostname of your ESPARGOS device.
# * Make sure the update succeeded after every step. Otherwise, reboot ESPARGOS.
curl -# "http://$ESPARGOS_HOST/update_sensor_firmware" --compressed -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" --data-binary @espargos-sensor-firmware.bin | tee /dev/null
curl -# "http://$ESPARGOS_HOST/update_firmware" --compressed -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" --data-binary @espargos-controller-firmware.bin | tee /dev/null
curl -# "http://$ESPARGOS_HOST/update_assets" --compressed -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" --data-binary @espargos-controller-assets.bin | tee /dev/null
Sensor Update Behavior

The ESPARGOS controller takes care of distributing the firmware update to all sensor microcontrollers.
- While the update is being distributed, the sensors will quickly alternate between green and red.
- In the end, the sensors will flash both red and green LEDs simultaneously to indicate that the update was succesful.